
Copy Constructor


Create a new object from an existing one.

  • Copying is implemented by the copy constructor
  • Has the unique signature T::T(const T&);
  • C++ builds a copy ctor for you if you don't provide one!
    如果没有给拷贝构造, C++ 会自动创造一个
    memberwise 而非 bitwise. 如果有成员是一个对象,会调用对象自己的拷贝函数。
    如果有成员变量是指针,会和原来对象一样指向同一块内存。如果有一个对象被析构,那么这块内存就被 delete, 这就变成了无效内存。
    • Copies each member variable
      • Good for numbers, objects, arrays
        Copies each pointer
    • Data may become shared!


  • During call by value
  • During initialization
    Person baby_a("Fred");
    // these use the copy ctor
    Person baby_b = baby_a; // not an assignment
    Person baby_c( baby_a ); // not an assignment
  • During function return


string 有自己的拷贝构造函数。

Copy ctor guidelines

  • In general, be explicit
    Create your own copy ctor -- don't rely on the default
  • If you don't need one declare a private copy ctor
    • prevents creation of a default copy constructor
    • generates a compiler error if try to pass-by-value - don't need a defintion

types of function parameters and return value

way in

  • a new object is to be created in f void f(Student i);
  • better with const if no intend to modify the object void f(Student *p);
  • better with const if no intend to modify the object void f(Student& i);

way out

  • a new object is to be created at returning Student f();
  • what should it points to? Student* f();
  • what should it refers to? Student& f();

char *foo() {
    char *p;    
    p = new char[10];
    strcpy(p, "something");
    return p;
void bar() {
    char *p = foo();
    printf("%s", p);
    delete p;
p 本身是本地变量,但指向的地方是全局的空间。


  • Pass in an object if you want to store it
  • Pass in a const pointer or reference if you want to get the values
  • Pass in a pointer or reference if you want to do something to it
  • Pass out an object if you create it in the function
  • Pass out pointer or reference of the passed in only
  • Never new something and return the pointer
    在哪里 new 就在哪里 delete.(类内是可以的,比如在构造的 new 在析构的时候 delete)

Move Constructor

Left Value vs Right Value

  • 可以简单地认为能出现在赋值号左边的都是左值:
    • 变量本身、引用
    • *[] 运算的结果
  • 只能出现在赋值号右边的都是右值
    • 字⾯量
    • 表达式
  • 调用只能接受左值—>引用是左值的别名
  • 调用函数时的传参相当于参数变量在调用时的初始化

&& 成为右值引用。

int x=20; // 左值
int&& rx = x * 2; // x*2的结果是一个右值,rx延长其⽣命周期
int y = rx + 2; // 因此你可以重用它:42
rx = 100; // 一旦你初始化一个右值引用变量,该变量就成为了一个左值,可以被赋值
int&& rrx1 = x; // 非法:右值引用无法被左值初始化
const int&& rrx2 = x; // 非法:右值引用无法被左值初始化
x 不存在了,右值引用依然可以使用。注意右值引用本身是个左值。
int x = 10;
int &&a = x + 2;
int y = a + 2;
cout << y << endl;
x = 5;
cout << y << endl;
a = 40;
cout << y << endl;
cout << a << endl;
int &&b = x;        // ERR: 右值引用不能绑左值(为了区分
int &&b = x+0;      // ok

void fun(int &lref) {
    cout << "l-value" << endl;
void fun(int &&rref) {
    cout << "r-value" << endl;
int main() {
    int x = 10;
    fun(x);     // l value
    fun(10);    // r value


void fun(const int& clref) {
    cout << "l-value const reference\n";

Move Constructor



DynamicArray(DynamicArray&& rhs) : m_size{rhs.m_size}, m_array{rhs.m_array}
    rhs.m_size = 0;
    rhs.m_array = nullptr;
    cout << "Move constructor: dynamic array is moved!\n";



vector<int> v1{1, 2, 3, 4};
vector<int> v2 = v1;
vector<int> v3 = std::move(v1);// 此时调用用移动构造函数  
此时调用复制构造函数,v2是v1的副本 通过 std::move 将 v1 转化为右值,从⽽激发 v3 的移动构造函数,实现移动语义
* 对象初始化的形式
string str("hello");
string str = "hello";
struct Studnet
char *name;
int age;
Studnet s = {"dablelv", 18};//Plain of Data类型对象
Studnet sArr[] = {{"dablelv", 18}, {"tommy", 19}}; //POD数组
* 列表初始化的形式
class Test
int a;
int b;
Test(int i, int j);
Test t{0, 0}; //C++11 only,相当于 Test t(0,0);
Test *pT = new Test{1, 2}; //C++11 only,相当于 Test* pT=new Test(1,2);
int *a = new int[3]{1, 2, 0}; //C++11 only

Delegating Ctor

最后更新: 2023年5月16日 17:33:31
创建日期: 2023年5月9日 22:51:14
