


Run-time Error

The basic philosophy of C++ is that “badly formed code will not be run.

Exception 我们能预见他发生,但不是每次都发生。

read a file

  • open the file;
  • determine its size;
  • allocate that much memory;
  • read the file into memory;
  • close the file;

可以预见的错误:找不到文件,文件虽然存在但是打不开(没有权限、被别的进程打开),文件大小判断失败(可能是一个串口,不是磁盘上的文件,串口是没有结束的)可以 fseek 到文件末尾,再 ftell 末尾的值。

errorCodeType readFile { initialize errorCode = 0;
    open the file;
    if ( theFilesOpen ) { determine its size;
    if ( gotTheFileLength ) { allocate that much memory;
    if ( gotEnoughMemory ) { read the file into memory;
    if ( readFailed ) { errorCode = -1;
    } } else {
    errorCode = -2;
    } } else {
    errorCode = -3;
    close the file;
    if ( theFILEDidntClose && errorCode == 0 ) { errorCode = -4;
    } else {
    errorCode = errorCode and -4;
    } } else {
    errorCode = -5;
    return errorCode;
try {
    open the file;
    determine its size;
    allocate that much memory;
    read the file into memory;
    close the file; 
catch ( fileOpenFailed ) { doSomething; } 
catch ( sizeDeterminationFailed ) { doSomething; } 
catch ( memoryAllocationFailed ) { doSomething; } 
catch ( readFailed ) { doSomething; } 
catch ( fileCloseFailed ) { doSomething; }

At the point where the problem occurs, you might not know what to do with it, but you do know that you can’t just continue on merrily; you must stop, and somebody, somewhere, must figure out what to do.

  • The significant benefit of exceptions is that they clean up error handling code.
  • It separates the code that describes what you want to do from the code that is executed.


template <class T> class Vector { 
    T* m_elements; 
    int m_size; 
    Vector (int size = 0) : 
    m_size(size) ... 
    ~Vector () { delete [] m_elements; } 
    void length(int); 
    int length() { return m_size; } 
    T& operator[](int); 
这里 [] 操作符可能会出现越界的情况。最佳的处理方式是抛异常。
if (indx < 0 || indx >= m_size) { 
    // throw is a keyword 
    // exception is raised at this point 
    throw <<something>>; 
抛异常之后,后续的代码都不会执行(没遇到的 try{} 的大括号都可以看作异常),然后往外走。上面这里 throw 之后,如果大括号是语句就离开语句,如果是函数就离开函数,如果是 try{}, 我们就判断匹配。
class VectorIndexError { 
VectorIndexError(int v) : m_badValue(v) { } 
~VectorIndexError() { } 
void diagnostic() { 
cerr << "index " << m_ badValue << "out of range!"; } 
int m_badValue; 
这样我们就可以 throw VectorIndexError(indx);. 外部就会拿到这个对象。需要用 try catch 捕捉,否则会直接结束。捕捉之后整个 try catch 就执行结束。
可以捕捉到异常后再继续 throw.
void outer2() { 
String err("exception caught"); 
try {
} catch (VectorIndexError) { 
    cout << err; 
    throw; // propagate the exception 
catch(...) 表示捕捉所有异常,但这样无法获得异常的对象。

  • Is that surrounding a trye
    • NO: leave that scope
      • Is it a method body
        • YES: return to the caller, then
        • NO: go to 1st line
    • YES: try to match a catch
      • YES: do the clause and
      • NO:

发生异常离开 fun 的时候本地变量会被析构。
throw VIEE(idx) 的对象在堆里,但是不被清除,会一直留在原地. catch 捕捉到对象之后,结束 try catch 之后会把对象清除。(这里不会发生拷贝构造,仍然是刚刚堆里的对象)

throw; reraises the exception being handled. valid only within a handler

Try blocks

try 后面可以跟任意数量的 catch.

Two forms

  • catch (SomeType v) { // handler code }
  • catch (...) { // handler code }

throw 可以抛的任意类型, int/double/... 也是可以的。一般不会抛原始数据类型,因为表达的信息有限。通常会做一个类,抛类的对象。

Handlers are checked in order of appearance

  • Check for exact match
  • Apply base class conversions Reference and pointer types, only
  • Ellipses (...) match all

Exceptions and new

new does NOT returned 0 on failure. new raises a bad_alloc() exception.

Standard library exceptions

Exception specifications

Declare which exceptions function might raise
Part of function prototypes
e.g. void abc(int a) : throw(MathErr) {}

调了别人的函数,要为了别人抛异常做准备。 可以在函数头部声明会抛什么异常。不会在编译时期检查。
限制 abc 而非调用 abc 函数。如果抛出了比你声明更多的异常,异常检查机制会抛出一个终止程序的异常。

Printer::print(Document&) : 
 throw(PrinterOffLine, BadDocument) 
{ ... 
PrintManager::print(Document&) : 
 throw (BadDocument) { ... 
 // raises or doesn’t handle BadDocument 
void goodguy() : throw () { 
 // handles all exceptions 
void average() { } // no spec, no checking,
  • 第一个表示会抛 PrinterOffLine, BadDocument 异常。(不一定抛,但可能)
  • 第三个表示不会抛任何异常,这样调用的时候不需要 try catch.
  • 第四个可能会抛异常,但是编译器不会进行检查。

Design considerations

  • Exceptions should indicate errors.
    exception 不是 routine.
  • Don’t use exceptions in place of good design.


  • Error recovery is a hard design problem
  • All subsystems need help from their clients to handle exceptional cases
  • Exceptions provide the mechanism
    • Propagated dynamically
    • Objects on stack destroyed properly
    • Act to terminate the problematic function
  • Another big use:
    Constructors that can’t complete their work

More exceptions

Exceptions and constructors


f() {
    A *p = new A();
    delete p;
如果构造的时候出异常, p 无法得到分配的地址,但是内存却没有被析构。内存泄漏!

最后更新: 2023年6月6日 22:27:27
创建日期: 2023年6月6日 22:27:27
