

  • Processes/threads can execute concurrently
  • Concurrent access to shared data may result in data inconsistency

Race Condition


Several processes (or threads) access and manipulate the same data concurrently and the outcome of the execution depends on the particular order in which the access takes place, is called a race-condition.

在内核中,比如两个进程同时 fork,子进程可能拿到一样的 pid。

critical section

修改共同变量的区域称为 critical section;共同区域之前叫 entry section,之后叫 exit section。

  • Single-core system: preventing interrupts
  • Multiple-processor: preventing interrupts are not feasible (depending on if kernel is preemptive or non-preemptive)
    • Preemptive – allows preemption of process when running in kernel mode
    • Non-preemptive – runs until exits kernel mode, blocks, or voluntarily yields CPU
  • Mutual Exclusion(互斥访问)
    • 在同一时刻,最多只有一个线程可以执行临界区
  • Progress(空闲让进)
    • 当没有线程在执行临界区代码时,必须在申请进入临界区的线程中选择一个线程,允许其执行临界区代码,保证程序执行的进展
  • Bounded waiting(有限等待)
    • 当一个进程申请进入临界区后,必须在有限的时间内获得许可并进入临界区,不能无限等待

Peterson’s Solution

Peterson’s solution solves two-processes/threads synchronization (Only works for two processes case)

  • It assumes that LOAD and STORE are atomic
    • atomic: execution cannot be interrupted
  • Two processes share two variables
    • boolean flag[2]: whether a process is ready to enter the critical section
    • int turn: whose turn it is to enter the critical section


  • Mutual exclusion
    • P0 enters CS:
      • Either flag[1]=false or turn=0
      • Now prove P1 will not be able to enter CS
    • Case 1: flag[1]=false -> P1 is out CS
    • Case 2: flag[1]=true, turn=1 -> P0 is looping, contradicts with P0 is in CS
    • Case 3: flag[1]=true, turn=0 -> P1 is looping
  • Process requirement

  • Bounded waiting

    Whether P0 enters CS depends on P1; Whether P1 enters CS depends on P0; P0 will enter CS after one limited entry P1

Peterson’s Solution is not guaranteed to work on modern architectures.

  • Only works for two processes case
  • It assumes that LOAD and STORE are atomic
  • Instruction reorder



100 is the expected output.
但是线程 2 的代码可能被乱序,两条指令交换顺序,这样输出就可能变成 0。

Hardware Support for Synchronization

Many systems provide hardware support for critical section code

  • Uniprocessors: disable interrupts
  • Solutions:
    • Memory barriers
    • Hardware instructions
      • test-and-set: either test memory word and set value
      • compare-and-swap: compare and swap contents of two memory words
    • Atomic variables

Memory Barriers

Memory model are the memory guarantees a computer architecture makes to application programs.

  • Strongly ordered – where a memory modification of one processor is immediately visible to all other processors.

    一个内存的修改要立刻被所有的 processors 看到。

  • Weakly ordered – where a memory modification of one processor may not be immediately visible to all other processors.

A memory barrier is an instruction that forces any change in memory to be propagated (made visible) to all other processors.


  • X86 support
    • 写内存屏障 (Store Memory Barrier):在指令后插入 Store Barrier,能让写入缓存中最新数据更新写入内存中,让其他线程可见。 强制写入内存,这种显式调用,不会让 CPU 去进行指令重排序。
    • 读内存屏障 (Load Memory Barrier):在指令后插入 Load Barrier,可以让高速缓存中的数据失效,强制重新从内存中加载数据。也是不会让 CPU 去进行指令重排。

Hardware Instructions

Special hardware instructions that allow us to either test-and modify the content of a word, or two swap the contents of two words atomically (uninterruptable)

Test-and-Set Instruction

Defined as below, but atomically.

bool test_set (bool *target)
    bool rv = *target;
    *target = TRUE;
    return rv:

Lock with Test-and-Set

bool lock = FALSE
do {
    while (test_set(&lock)); // busy wait
    critical section
    lock = FALSE;
    remainder section 
} while (TRUE);

Bounded Waiting for Test-and-Set Lock

上面的程序满足前两个条件,不一定满足 bounded waiting。下面的代码可以把锁从 T0 传到 T1,再传到 T2。

Compare-and-Swap Instruction

Executed atomically, the swap takes place only under this condition.

int compare_and_swap(int *value, int expected, int new_value)
    int temp = *value;
    if (*value == expected)
        *value = new_value;
    return temp;

Shared integer lock initialized to 0;

while (true)
    while (compare_and_swap(&lock, 0, 1) != 0); /* do nothing */
    /* critical section */
    lock = 0;
    /* remainder section */

x86 中实现了 cmpxchg

Atomic Variables

One tool is an atomic variable that provides atomic (uninterruptible) updates on basic data types such as integers and booleans.

The increment() function can be implemented as follows:

void increment(atomic_int *v) {
    int temp;
    do {
        temp = *v;
    } while (temp != (compare_and_swap(v,temp,temp+1)));

Mutex Lock

Mutex Locks 支持 acquire() (获得这个锁)release()(释放这个锁)。因此 acquire, release 是原子的。

This solution requires busy waiting

  • This lock therefore called a spinlock
bool locked = false;
acquire() {
    while (compare_and_swap(&locked, false, true))
    ; //busy waiting
release() {
    locked = false;

问题:如果一个进程有时间片,但是拿不到锁,一直 spin,会浪费 CPU 时间。

we put the busy waiting thread into suspended (yield-> moving from running to sleeping)
When the lock is locked, change process’s state to SLEEP, add to the queue, and call schedule()


Synchronization tool that provides more sophisticated ways (than Mutex locks) for process to synchronize their activities.

Can only be accessed via two indivisible (atomic) operations

  • wait() and signal() (Originally called P() and V() Dutch)

    • wait()

      想拿到这个 semaphore,如果拿不到,就一直等待。

      wait(S) { 
          while (S <= 0) ; // busy wait

    • signal()

      释放 semaphore。

      signal(S) { 

  • Counting semaphore – integer value can range over an unrestricted domain

  • Binary semaphore – integer value can range only between 0 and 1
    • Same as a mutex lock



Semaphore w/ waiting queue

With each semaphore there is an associated waiting queue.

typedef struct { 
    int value; 
    struct list_head * waiting_queue; 
} semaphore; 

Two operations:

  • block – place the process invoking the operation on the appropriate waiting queue.

    把当前的进程 sleep,放到 waiting queue 里面。

  • wakeup – remove one of processes in the waiting queue and place it in the ready queue.

    从 waiting queue 里面拿出一个进程,放到 ready queue 里面。

Implemetation with waiting queue: (need to be atomic by spinlock)

wait(semaphore *S) {
    if (S->value < 0) {
        add this process to S->list;
signal(semaphore *S) {
    if (S->value <= 0) {
        remove a proc.P from S->list;

这里有 busy waiting, 但在 critical section 里不需要(没有拿到 semaphor 就会 sleep,还没有走到 critical section),只有 waitsignal 里需要 busy wait。

Comparison between mutex and semaphore

  • Mutex or spinlock
    • Pros: no blocking
    • Cons: Waste CPU on looping
    • Good for short critical section
  • Semaphore
    • Pros: no looping
    • Cons: context switch is time-consuming
    • Good for long critical section
Semaphore w/ waiting queue in practice

真实实现里,需要有 spinlock 来保护 semaphore 操作的原子性。

Deadlock and Starvation

  • Deadlock: two or more processes are waiting indefinitely for an event that can be caused by only one of the waiting processes.

  • Starvation: indefinite blocking. a process may never be removed from the semaphore’s waiting queue.

Deadlock 是大家都拿不到锁,Starvation 是有的进程拿不到锁。

Priority Inversion

Priority Inversion: a higher priority process is indirectly preempted by a lower priority task.

高优先级等低优先级(锁先被低优先级拿到),但是低优先级的进程拿不到 CPU,就无法释放锁。

Priority Inversion

Solution: priority inheritance

  • temporary assign the highest priority of waiting process (PH) to the process holding the lock (PL)


Linux Synchronization

2.6 以前的版本的 kernel 中通过禁用中断来实现一些短的 critical section;2.6 及之后的版本的 kernel 是抢占式的。

Linux 提供:

  • Atomic integers
  • Spinlocks
  • Semaphores

    linux/include/linux/semaphore.h 中,down() 是 lock(如果要进入 sleep,它会先释放锁再睡眠,唤醒之后会立刻重新获得锁),up() 是 unlock。 * Reader-writer locks

POSIX Synchronization

POSIX API provides

  • mutex locks
  • semaphores
  • condition variable

Mutex Locks

  • Creating and initializing the lock

    #include <pthread.h>
    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
    /* create and initialize the mutex lock */
    pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
  • Acquiring and releasing the lock

    /* acquire the mutex lock */
    /* critical section */
    /* release the mutex lock */


Named semaphores can be used by unrelated processes, unnamed cannot.
sem_open(), sem_init(), sem_wait(), sem_post()

Unamed Semaphores

  • Creating an initializing the semaphore:

    #include <semaphore.h>
    sem_t sem;
    /* Create the semaphore and initialize it to 1 */
    sem_init(&sem, 0, 1);
  • Acquiring and releasing the semaphore:

    /* acquire the semaphore */
    /* critical section */
    /* release the semaphore */

Named Semaphores

  • Creating an initializing the semaphore:

    #include <semaphore.h>
    sem_t *sem;
    /* Create the semaphore and initialize it to 1 */
    sem = sem_open("SEM", O_CREAT, 0666, 1);
  • Another process can access the semaphore by referring to its name SEM.

  • Acquiring and releasing the semaphore:

    /* acquire the semaphore */
    /* critical section */
    /* release the semaphore */

Condition Variable

When should we use condition variables?

Operations supported by a condition variable are:

  • wait(condition, lock): release lock, put thread to sleep until condition is signaled; when thread wakes up again, re-acquire lock before returning.


  • signal(condition, lock): if any threads are waiting on condition, wake up one of them. Caller must hold lock, which must be the same as the lock used in the wait call.


  • broadcast(condition, lock): same as signal, except wake up all waiting threads.


pthread_mutex_t mutex; 
pthread_cond_t cond_var;
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); 
pthread_cond_init(&cond_var, NULL);
// Thread waiting for the condition a == b to become true:
while(a != b)                               // 一般要重复尝试,所以用 while 而不是 if
    pthread_cond_wait(&cond_var, &mutex);   // release lock when wait, acquire lock when being signaled
// Thread signaling another thread waiting on the condition variable:
a = b;

  • Condition variable can wake up all threads, semaphore can only wake up one by one.
  • Sometimes we only care if the queue is empty or not, while don’t care the queue length.

    有的时候我们不关心等待队列的长度,那么 semaphore 的 val 就没有用处了。

  • Mutex is used to guarantee that operations are atomic.

Synchronization Examples

一般我们用信号量解决问题,因为信号量相对来说功能更多,而且很多操作系统对信号量做了更多设计,用来避免 busy waiting 等问题。

一个信号量用来表示 一类资源的余量;wait() 等待到其有余量时从中取走一个,而 signal() 释放一个资源。

Bounded-Buffer Problem

Two processes, the producer and the consumer share n buffers

  • the producer generates data, puts it into the buffer.

    • the producer won’t try to add data into the buffer if it is full.

      当 buffer 满的时候,生产者不能再放数据,应该 sleep。

  • the consumer consumes data by removing it from the buffer.

    • the consumer won’t try to remove data from an empty buffer.

      当 buffer 空的时候,消费者不能再取数据,应该 sleep。

定义哪些 mutex 和 semaphor?
buffer 需要互斥的保护,因此需要一个 mutex。当它满了的时候就让 producer 睡眠,当它空的时候就让 consumer 睡眠,因此需要两个 semaphor。

  • The producer process
    do {
        //produce an item
        wait(empty-slots);      // 把 empty-slots 减一(初始为 N)
        //add the item to the buffer
    } while (TRUE)
    这里 wait() 的顺序不能调换:如果先 wait(mutex),那么 wait(empty-slots) 之后,如果 buffer 空了,那么这个时候就会带着 mutex 休眠,这样另一个进程也拿不到这个锁了。
  • The consumer process
    do {
        //produce an item
        wait(full-slots);           // 把 full-slots 减一(初始为 0)
        //remove the item to the buffer
    } while (TRUE)

Readers-writers problem

A data set is shared among a number of concurrent processes

  • readers: only read the data set; they do not perform any updates
  • writers: can both read and write

多个 reader 可以共享,即同时读;但只能有一个 write 访问数据(写和读也不共享)。


  • semaphore mutex initialized to 1
  • semaphore write initialized to 1
  • integer readcount initialized to 0

  • The writer process

    The writer process
    do {
        //write the shared data
    } while (TRUE);

  • The reader process
    do {
        if (readcount == 1) 
        //reading data
        if (readcount == 0) 
    } while(TRUE);
    mutex 用来保护 readcount。这里如果 count 是 1,就获得 write 的锁来保护这个 read。假设 writer 拿到了锁,来了 5 个 reader,那么第一个会 sleep 在 write 上,剩下 4 个 reader 会 sleep 在 mutex 上。

Two variations of readers-writers problem

  • Reader first

    如果有 reader holds data,writer 永远拿不到锁,要等所有的 reader 结束。

  • Writer first

    如果 write ready 了,他就会尽可能早地进行写操作。如果有 reader hold data,那么需要等待 ready writer 结束后再读。

上面的代码是 Reader first。

Dining-philosophers problem

Philosophers spend their lives thinking and eating, they sit in a round table, but don’t interact with each other.


Solution: only odd philosophers start left-hand first, and even philosophers start right-hand first. This does not deadlock.



  • Data race
    • Less than 2M example
    • Reason
  • Critical section
    • Three requirements
  • Peterson’s Solution
  • Hardware Support for Synchronization
    • Memory barrier, hardware instruction, atomic variables
  • Mutex lock
  • Semaphore
  • Linux provides:
    • atomic integers
    • spinlocks
    • semaphores
    • reader-writer lock

最后更新: 2023年11月10日 17:39:14
创建日期: 2023年11月10日 17:39:14
