

How can we make a process run faster

  • Multiple execution units with a process

Thread Definition

  • A thread is a basic unit of execution within a process.
    • Each thread has its own
    • thread ID
    • program counter
    • register set
    • Stack
  • It shares the following with other threads within the same process
    • code section
    • data section
    • the heap (dynamically allocated memory)
    • open files and signals
  • Concurrency: A multi-threaded process can do multiple things at once


  • Advantages of Threads

    • Economy

      • Creating a thread is cheap

        如果已经有了一个线程,那么我们创建新的线程只需要给它分配一个栈。Code,data,heap 都已经在内存里分配好了。

      • Context switching between threads is cheap

        Cache is hot, no need to cache flush. * Resource Sharing * Threads naturally share memory

        不需要 IPC。

      • Having concurrent activities in the same address space is very powerful

        • Responsiveness

      如在 web server 中,一个线程在等待 I/O,当有请求来时就再分配一个线程去处理。(进程也可以,但是代价更大)

    • Scalability

      • multi-core machine
  • Drawbacks of Threads

    • Weak isolation between threads


  • Typical challenges of multi-threaded programming

    • Deal with data dependency and synchronization
    • Dividing activities among threads
    • Balancing load among threads
    • Split data among threads
    • Testing and debugging

User Threads vs. Kernel Threads

如果内核不知道你这个 user thread,完全在 user space 执行,就是 user space-based thread; 如果内核知道你这个 user thread,就是 kernel-based thread。

  • Many-to-One Model

    缺点:内核只有一个线程,无法发挥 multi-core 的优势;一旦一个线程被阻塞,其他线程也会被阻塞。

  • One-to-One Model

    把线程的管理变得很简单,现在 Linux,Windows 都是这种模型。

  • Many-to-Many Model

    m to n 线程,折中。缺点是太复杂。

  • Two-Level Model

    可以选择 many to many 或者 one to one。

Thread Libraries

  • In C/C++: pthreads and Win32 threads
  • In C/C++: OpenMP
  • In Java: Java Threads


Specification, not implementation

只要符合接口的定义,就可以叫 pthreads。



Identifies parallel regions – blocks of code that can run in parallel

#pragma omp parallel

#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* sequential code */
    #pragma omp parallel
        printf("I am a parallel region.");
    /* sequential code */
    return 0;

#pragma omp parallel for
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

使用之后编译器会为我们切分出若干个并行块,创造出对应的线程,最后使用 join 把线程合并。

Java Threads

  • Java threads may be created by:
    • Extending Thread class
    • Implementing the Runnable interface
class MyThread extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        . . .
    MyThread t = new MyThread();
    public interface Runnable {
    public abstract void run();

Threading Issues


Semantics of fork() and exec()

如果一个线程调用了 fork(),可能发生两种情况:只复制调用线程,或者复制所有线程。

Some OSes provide both options

  • In Linux the first option above is used

    因为大部分时候 fork 之后会接 exec,抹掉所有的数据,因此直接复制调用线程就可以了。



Most UNIX versions: a thread can say which signals it accepts and which signals it doesn’t accept.

On Linux: dealing with threads and signals is tricky but well understood with many tutorials on the matter and man pages

Safe Thread Cancellation


  • Asynchronous cancellation


  • Deferred cancellation


Invoking thread cancellation requests cancellation, but actual cancellation depends on thread state.

带来很多问题:比如一个线程正在写变量,值还没有同步到内存或者 cache,这个 bug 很难被复现。

In Java, the Thread.stop() method is deprecated, and so cancellation has to be deferred.

Linux Threads

In Linux, a thread is also called a light-weight process(LWP).

The **clone()** syscall is used to create a thread or a process.


clone 有一个参数 CLONE_VM,如果不设置那么类似于 fork,每个线程都有自己的内存空间;如果设置了那么线程跑在同一地址空间上。


TCB 用来存储线程的信息,Linux 并不区分 PCB 和 TCB,都是用 task_struct 来表示。


PID 如果和 LWP 相同,说明这个进程只有这一个线程。如果不相同,说明进程有多个线程,此时进程的 PID 是主线程的 LWP。

A process is

  • either a single thread + an address space
    • PID is thread ID
  • or multiple threads + an address space
    • PID is the leading thread ID

Threads with Process – What is shared

可以看到 mm_struct (与内存管理相关的信息,如页表,vm_struct)是共享的,task_struct, pid, stack, comm 是不共享的。

  • One task in Linux
    • Same task_struct (PCB) means same thread(一个 PCB 指的是一个线程)
      • Also viewed as 1:1 mapping
      • One user thread maps to one kernel thread
      • But actually, they are the same thread
  • Can be executed in user space
    • User code, user space stack
  • Can be executed in kernel space
    • Kernel code, kernel space stack




  • Thread is the basic execution unit
    • Has its own registers, pc, stack
  • Thread vs Process
    • What is shared and what is not
  • Pros and cons of thread
