Inter-Process Communication¶
Processes within a host may be independent or cooperating.
Reasons for cooperating processes:
- Information sharing
- Computation speedup
- Modularity
- Convenience
Models of IPC
- Shared memory
- Message passing
- Signal
- Pipe
- Socket
IPC Communication Models¶

- Message-passing
需要内核空间支持- useful for exchanging small amounts of data
- simple to implement in the OS
- sometimes cumbersome for the user as code is sprinkled with send/recv operations
- high-overhead: one syscall per communication operation
- Shared memory
非内核空间- low-overhead: a few syscalls initially, and then none
- more convenient for the user since we’re used to simply reading/writing from/to RAM
- more difficult to implement in the OS
Shared Memory¶
Processes need to establish a shared memory region.
producer/consumer example


ipcs -a
可以查看当前 IPC 的状态。
存在问题:不安全。任何人拿到 share_id
都可以把共享内存 attach 到自己进程上,可以观察到其他进程的数据、甚至做 DOS 攻击。
而且很 cubersome,会发生各种 error 需要处理。(现在使用不多)
Message Passing¶
Two fundamental operations:
- send: to send a message (i.e., some bytes)
- recv: to receive a message
If processes P and Q wish to communicate they
establish a communication “link” between them
This “link” is an abstraction that can be implemented in many ways (even with shared memory!!)
place calls to
- optionally shutdown the communication “link”
Implementing Message-Passing¶
Implementation of communication link
- Physical:
- Shared memory
- Hardware bus
- Network
Direct or indirect
有一个 P 和 Q,直接发信息。如果有 n 个进程,需要建立 \(C_2^n\) 个连接。
有一个 mailbox,发信息相当于发给一个 mailbox。如果有多个进程,我们需要确定是由哪个进程接收信息。
Synchronous or asynchronous
Synchronous: Blocking is considered synchronous
Asynchronous: Non-blocking is considered asynchronous
- 异步效率更高,同步时效性更高。
- Automatic or explicit buffering
- Zero capacity - no messages are queued on a link. Sender must wait for receiver.
- Bounded capacity - finite length of n messages. Sender must wait if link full.X
- Unbounded capacity - infinite length. Sender never waits.
Ordinary pipes
来传播。- Producer writes to one end (the write-end of the pipe)
- Consumer reads from the other end (the read-end of the pipe)
是 read-end,fd[1]
是 write-end(对于双方都是) -
Named pipes
创建 named pipes)
In UNIX, a pipe is mono-directional.
要实现两个方向一定需要两个 pipe。
Client-Server Communication¶
广义上的 IPC,因为是跑在两个物理机器上的交互。
- Sockets
所有的交互都是和 stub 通信,stub 会和远端的 server 通信。 存在网络问题,如丢包。
Java RMI
RPC in Java
- Communicating processes are the basis for many programs/services
- OSes provide two main ways for processes to communicate
- shared memory
- message-passing
- Each way comes with many variants and in many flavors
- Signals, Pipes, Sockets, RPCs, RMIs, etc.