- Polymorphism
- virtual functions and override
- abstract functions and classes
- Multiple Inheritance
Virtual function¶
Objects of subclasses can be used where objects of supertypes are required. (This is called substitution)
Subclass object may be assigned to superclass pointr variables.
- Public Inheritance should imply substitution
- If B isa A, you can use a B any where an A can be used.
- if B isa A, then everything that is true for A is also true of B.
- Be careful if the substitution is not valid!
- Given D is derived from B
D -> B
只把 D 内和 B 相同的地方赋值,不会把 D 特有的东西赋值。D* -> B*
换个眼光看待对象,并没有改变对象。D& -> B&
cast 在 OOP 里叫造型,不再是强制类型转换的意思。
Upcasting is the act of converting from a Derived reference or pointer to a base class reference or pointer.
我们是学生,现在让我们去搬砖,并没有改变我们的能力。但 对于 int i = (int)6.25;
这里必须强制改造,否则无法存进这个值, 6.25 也被截断为 6.
upcasting: 向上造型,重新为对象想了一个造型,但并没有改变对象的值。因为 Manager 中一定有 Employee 的部分,而且一定在这部分的最上方。现在我们认为这块地址存放的是 Employee 的对象。
Lose type information about the object:Example: A drawing program¶
operations: render, resize, move
data: center

class XYPos{}
class Shape {
virtual ~Shape();
virtual void render();
void move (const XYPos&);
virtual void resize();
XYPos center;
class Ellipse : public Shape {
Ellipse(float maj, float minr);
virtual void render(); // will define own
float major_axis, minor_axis;
class Circle : public Ellipse {
Circle(float radius) : Ellipse(radius, radius){}
virtual void render();
void render(Shape* p) {
p->render(); // calls correct render function
} // for given Shape! void func() {
Ellipse ell(10, 20);
ell.render(); // static -- Ellipse::render();
Circle circ(40);
circ.render(); // static -- Circle::render();
render(&ell); // dynamic -- Ellipse::render();
render(&circ); // dynamic -- Circle::render()
我们认为 p 这个指针是一个 polymorphic variable 多态变量,有静态(声明)类型 Shape
Static and dynamic type¶
- The declared type of a variable is its static type.
- The type of the object a variable refers to is its dynamic type.
- The compilerʼs job is to check for static-type violations.
- Upcast: take an object of the derived class as an object of the base one.
e.g. Ellipse can be treated as a Shape - Binding: which function to be called
- Static binding: call the function as the code
- Dynamic binding: call the function of the object
关键词是在告诉编译器,这个函数使用动态绑定。否则即使用指针,也是静态绑定。 e.g.g();
Student a; a.f()
是静态;Student &a; a.f();
call | type |
free function | static |
object.fun() |
static |
ref.func() |
static |
p->func() |
static |
ref.vfunc() |
dynamic |
p->vfunc() |
dynamic |
Virtual functions¶
- Can be transparently overridden in a derived class
父类的函数定义为虚函数后,子类不需要再定义了,会传递下去。(? - Objects carry a pack of their virtual functions
- Compiler checks pack and dynamically calls the right function
- If compiler knows the function at compile-time, it can generate a static call
Polymorphic variables
- Pointers or reference variables of objects are polymorphic variables
- They can hold objects of the declared type, or of subtypes of the declared type.
How virtuals work in C++¶
这时 sizeof(A) == 4
但如果将 f 声明为虚函数, sizeof(A)
就变为 16. 如果去掉 int i;
后 sizeof(A)
变为 8.
一旦有虚函数声明,这里会在开头放一个指针 VPTR
, 指向一个表,里面放的是函数指针。(对象里面没有函数指针,只放表的指针)
Ellipse elly(20F, 40F);
Circle circ(60F);
elly = circ; // 10 in 5?
elly.render(); // Ellipse::render()
Ellipse* elly = new Ellipse(20F, 40F);
Circle* circ = new Circle(60F);
elly = circ;
elly->render(); // Circle::render()
References act like pointers.
Virtual destructors¶
p 的静态类型是 Shape, 如果不定义虚函数,那么 p 只会发生静态绑定,即调用 Shape
的析构函数,无法调用 Ellipse
Overriding redefines the body of a virtual function.
仍然可以在子类中调用父类的被 overide 的函数。
Return types relaxation
- Suppose D is publicly derived from B
can return a subclass of the return type defined inB::f()
- Applies to pointer and reference types
Relaxation Example
指向子类的对象可以被看做是一个指向父类的对象。但是子类的对象和父类的对象是不同的。If you override an overloaded function, you must override all of the variants!
- Can't override just one
- If you don't override all, some will be hidden
- Never redefine an inherited non-virtual function
子类不要重新定义不是 virtual 的函数,这样无法形成 override 的关系。- Non-virtuals are statically bound
- No dynamic dispatch!
- Never redefine an inherited default parameter value
不要重新定义父类的默认参数值。- Theyʼre statically bound too!
- And what would it mean?
这里会发生动态绑定。但是 VPTR 会在构造函数的 initialized list 里初始化。我们会执行 A 的构造函数,这个时候 VPTR 是 A 的,因此会调用 A 中的 f 函数。父类结束后回到 B 的构造函数,这时把 VPTR 改写为指向 B 的表,这时的动态绑定就变为 B 的 f 函数。Abstract classes¶

我们不应该制造 Shape 的对象,他的作用只在于提供一个抽象的概念和公共接口。
这个类中一旦有一个虚函数=0(纯虚函数), 那么这个类就不能被制造出对象,这样的类叫做抽象类。
- An abstract base class has pure virtual functions
- Only interface defined
- No function body given
- Abstract base classes cannot be instantiated
- Must derive a new class (or classes)
- Must supply definitions for all pure virtuals before class can be instantiated
Multiple Inheritance¶

diamond inheritance. 孙子体内有两个爷爷。
Vanilla MI¶

- Members are duplicated
- Derived class has access to full copies of each base class
- This can be useful!
- Multiple links for lists
- Multiple streambufs for input and output
class B1 { int m_i; };
class D1 : public B1 {};
class D2 : public B1 {};
class M : public D1, public D2 {};
void main() {
Mm; //OK
B1* p = new M; // ERROR: which B1
B1* p2 = dynamic_cast<D1*>(new M); // OK
Protocol classes¶
Protocol classes 协议类,里面没有成员变量(除了 static, const)只有纯虚函数。这样的类可以安全地做多继承。
Abstract base class with
- All non-static member functions are pure virtual except destructor
- Virtual destructor with empty body
- No non-static member variables, inherited or otherwise may contain static members
Using virtual base classes¶
虚继承 virtual public 把父类的对象拿出来放在外面,子类指针指向外面的空间。从两个虚继承的类多继承,这时其中的两个爷爷类可以指向同一个地方。

class B1 { int m_i; };
class D1 : virtual public B1 {};
class D2 : virtual public B1 {};
class M : public D1, public D2 {};
void main() {
M m; //OK
m.m_i++; // OK, there is only one B1 in m.
B1* p = new M; // OK
建议:对多继承 say no.